Clarence Valley Council
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The demand for computer and technology skills enhancement has never been greater, and The Computer School has been committed to providing high quality IT education and training since 1999.

As you are currently enrolled within our institution, whether you’re at home, school, or work, you now have free access to thousounds of lessons and tutorials covering virtually all of the most commonly used computer and technology-based programs, apps, devices and other related topics.
The Technology Training Directory (TTD) includes thousands of lessons and tutorials covering a multitude of topics, including computer and technology basics, internet safety and security (including special programs on kids' online safety and security), and training for tablets, mobile devices and apps etc. Our resources cover virtually every platform, operating system and software program, and everything is user-friendly and designed for the newest beginner all the way up to advanced level operators.
Need a quick detailed definition for an unfamiliar technology term?

You'll find that and much more with MyTECHlopedia, a comprehensive glossary containing more than 200,000 tech-terms and related links and topics.

MyTECHlopedia offers simple, detailed, jargon-free definitions and explanations, with related links and images, for an enormous range of Tech-Terms and related topics, and it's continuously updated for accuracy and new content in an ever-changing industry.
All library members have unlimited 24/7 secure access to all resources.

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Proudly Supporting Community Education
Clarence Valley Council